Thursday, September 29, 2022

KT Essentials

I painted up these barriers very quickly. Fun to paint, they're easy to make look good.
I like the gear mechanism, I'd like to see a sculpt of a "closed" one as a detail on a larger part of KT terrain.
I also built all of Blackstone Fortress, though most aren't glued yet. I spilled my tamiya cement on Espern Locarno and ruined him, so I had to order a replacement. I also ordered a duplicate UR-025 because I wanted to make alternative arms for him.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

The Dawn of the Looniez

This sculpt has so much soul. It's a shame it's finecast, I don't think it exists in metal.I'm trying to find him for a decent price, and getting a hold of Mollog's Mob and Zarbag's Gitz have been equally null.
I'm starting a Gitz army, I have both Gobbapalooza and the Dankhold Troggoth (built), both of them purchased because they're some of my favorite GW sculpts. 
But today I got a box of night goblins, so the army officially starts. I plan on getting the start collecting box as well, and some fanatics. I just love goblins, I want a horde of them for general gaming use.
As for other army thoughts, I'd like to replace all standalone squig models with myconids, of varying sculpts, with a cohesive style. I will also 3D print some of Alex Warploque's models, as I love his style.
Also there is a Slaanesh chaos knight and sone pricey plague marines that I want to convert into Iron Warriors.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Eldar Accessorizing

I was sick last week, so I didn't get a lot of hobbying done, but I did work on some stuff last night.
This Forgeworld statue was a pain in the ass to clean, I'll be painting it as a statue of some sort.
I also have some objective markers I'm working on, because they're fun. Each of them will have some kind of tribute.
And a dead marine, made to be identical to my Alpha Legion marine. I might do a little diorama.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Small Fry

I recently aquired some of these 2nd edition marines, and I want to paint one up.
I'm not sure why the plastic is blue, as far as I'm aware I've only seen grey plastic for this sprue. It's not a recast though, seeing as the marine had some dust and dirt on him. I think he spent many years in a box.
Some comparisons with a mid-2000s tactical marine:
Lil fella
With an AL marine I painted a while back.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Kill Team Corsairs WIP 2

Some initial basecoats. Vallejo Deep Green and Dark Blue both go on very smoothly. The "aspect warriors" will get their respective armor colors

Also, I started reading Horus Rising.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

An unhealthy amount of Dungeons and Lasers

Christ. A daunting painting project. However, I should be able to approach it with drybrushing and overbrushing.
I skipped Kill Team Into the Dark in hopes of using this dungeon terrain as a more modular alternative.

Warhammer Kill Team - Voidscarred Corsair WIP

First KT assembled, using a healthy amount of bits. They're going to be painted as excommunicated Craftworld members of Biel-Tan. This scary image brought me the inspiration, and I wanted most of them to reflect a Warrior Aspect, like they were or are in training.
Close ups:
The Fate Dealer is just a ranger with a sculpt I like, standing on a bit of an x-wing model kit. She brings the KT model count to 11, allowing me at least one swappable option.
Pretend the Shade Runner's gun isn't there. Maybe he's out of ammo. Unless I'm fielding him as a Warp Spider in 40k.
The Dire Avenger has a broken keypad behind him. Flexible bit from a SW droid toy. I'm just going to paint the screen, maybe give it a wash.
The "Banshee", I'm happy with the thorns.
Way Seeker, with an epic helmet tassel.
"Beastmaster" with an alien chameleon-armadillo instead of a bird.
As an extra I based Octren Glimscry while I was greenstuff-ing a hole in the Way Seeker's hair tassel.
First time using this roller, and it's great. Would make great scales.

Sgt Rufus

Sgt Rufus WIP First time painting a Cadian, I picked up the new Command Squad for cheap. I like his chunky heavy artillery gun, ...